Wednesday 29 October 2014

Centripetal acceleration

When an object moves in a circle at a constant speed its velocity is constantly changing. Its velocity is changing not because the magnitude of the velocity is changing but because its direction is. this constantly changing velocity means that the object is accelerating, in other words centripetal acceleration. For this acceleration to happen there must be resultant force, this force is called the centripetal force.

 Centripetal acceleration : a= v²/r

To make an object move round on a circular path, it is acted on by a resultant force which changes its direction of motion. This resultant force is called as the centripetal force because it acts in the same direction as the centripetal accelerations, which is towards the centre of the circle.

Centripetal force in real life:
  • For a planet moving round the sun, the force of gravity between the planet and the sun is the centripetal force.
  • For an object whirling round on the end of a string, the tension in the string is the centripetal force.

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